Sunday, January 11, 2009

What I Like and Dislike about Belize

I am writing about things I enjoy about Belize and things I dislike:

The Food - rice and beans, chicken etc. (excluding pigtail)
The Weather - 80 and up and that's winter
The Beaches
Belize City - 38 of 45 murders in Belize City last year happened in the south of the city, i don't live in the south side
My Job - the office, schedule and weekends off
My Host Family - The Eiley's are awesome
Palm Trees - gotta love em
Julie - she lives in Dangriga but its only a 3 hour bus ride to see her
Movies - bootleg copies of movies that haven't hit theatres yet in the states

Sand flies - they come at sunrise and sunset, they bite, they are small and fly through the screen
Music - Punta is obnoxious and i don't like it at all
Belizean TV Shows - They have this show called Duets down here its like a local American Idol and everyone in the country watches it. Imagine the 10 worst performing acts you have ever seen. Now picture those 10 acts competing on TV: That is Duets. It's torture to watch. While living in Independence i figured out the entertainment situation in Belize. If entertainment value was put onto a universal 1 to 10 scale: Americans are accustomed to 8, 9 and 10's while Belizeans are accustomed to 2, 3, and 4's, but to them it might be a 8, 9 or 10.
The treatment of dogs - dogs are treated like crap down here, most are malnourished and have VD, its gross
Lack of News sources - Love FM provides all news on the radio and there are 2 news stations
Being treated like a tourist just because I am white - this means that I always have money and I always need a cab
The trash - Most Belizeans don't understand the concept of a trash can, plastic is everywhere

Do not let the list of dislikes fool you, my likes highly outweigh my dislikes and I am thoroughly enjoying myself down here. I should also let the record state that I am very respectful of the culture and do not publicly voice my opinions on dislikes and consider all experiences to be part of the Peace Corps journey.

Far From Home,

Christopher Wilkins Weiss

1 comment:

Ryan said...

Good use of "let the record state"